Cette maison à la décoration sereine est celle d'une artiste et d'un architecte
Marina Dorignac est une artiste plasticienne qui vit dans cette maison à la décoration sereine en Argentine avec son compagnon architecte Juan Celaá. Ses peintures sont inspirées la plupart du temps par la nature, mais elle ne se donne pas de limites pour explorer les matériaux ou les nouveaux motifs. Avec Juan, ils ont construit de toutes pièces la maison dans laquelle ils vivent avec leurs enfants . Depuis un patio central sur lequel donnent toutes les pièces (sauf l'atelier de Marina, qui est séparé), l'espace est fluide, renforcé par les couleurs neutres et les oeuvres de Marina. Photo : Daniel Karp
This peacefully decorated house is an artist and an architect home
Marina Dorignac is a visual artist who lives in this peacefully decorated house in Argentina with her fellow architect Juan Celaá. Her paintings are mostly inspired by nature, but she doesn't set limits to explore materials or new motifs. Together with Juan, they built the house they live in with their children from scratch. From a central patio overlooking all the rooms (except Marina's studio, which is separate), the space is fluid, reinforced by neutral colors and Marina's work. Photo: Daniel Karp
Source : La Nacion

This peacefully decorated house is an artist and an architect home
Marina Dorignac is a visual artist who lives in this peacefully decorated house in Argentina with her fellow architect Juan Celaá. Her paintings are mostly inspired by nature, but she doesn't set limits to explore materials or new motifs. Together with Juan, they built the house they live in with their children from scratch. From a central patio overlooking all the rooms (except Marina's studio, which is separate), the space is fluid, reinforced by neutral colors and Marina's work. Photo: Daniel Karp
Source : La Nacion
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