Un appartement au design ultime dans un immeuble du 18e siècle
Conçu par les architectes de Studiomania au sommet d'un bel immeuble construit en 1736, cet appartement au design ultime manie le bois clair, le blanc, et le mobilier contemporain avec aisance. Les beaux matériaux sont légion : bois, marbre et laiton se combinent aux éléments plus anciens comme les poutres du plafond et donnent un caractère unique à ce duplex suédois.
Apartment with an ultimate design in an 18th century building
Designed by Studiomania's architects on top of a beautiful building built in 1736, this apartment with an ultimate design handles light wood, white, and contemporary furniture with ease. The beautiful materials are legion: wood, marble and brass combine with older elements such as the ceiling beams to give a unique character to this Swedish duplex.

Apartment with an ultimate design in an 18th century building
Designed by Studiomania's architects on top of a beautiful building built in 1736, this apartment with an ultimate design handles light wood, white, and contemporary furniture with ease. The beautiful materials are legion: wood, marble and brass combine with older elements such as the ceiling beams to give a unique character to this Swedish duplex.
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