Søstrene Grene lance un nouveau site web où vous pouvez commander meubles et déco !
En ces temps de confinement, et de magasins fermés, Søstrene Grene lance son nouveau site web (à découvrir en cliquant sur ce lien) où vous pouvez acheter à distance ses meubles et la décoration. Voilà qui va ravir tous ceux qui ne pouvait pas accéder facilement à ces produits danois, que disons le, nous adorons, à la fois pour leurs design et leurs petits prix. Le site propose de déjà de très jolies choses, et va s'étoffer dans les semaines et les jours qui viennent. Plusieurs catalogues par thème sont distribués dans l'année, on pense désormais à Pâques et à la fête des Mères ! Edit : Après des mois d'attente, et de promesses vagues, le site français de vente à distance ouvre enfin le 2 décembre 2020 !
Søstrene Grene launches a new website where you can order furniture and decoration!
In these times of quarantine, and closed shops, Søstrene Grene launches its new website (to discover by clicking on this link) where you can buy its furniture and decoration at a distance. This will delight all those who couldn't easily access these Danish products, which, let's just say it, we love, both for their design and their low prices. The site already offers some very nice things, and will be expanded in the coming weeks and days. Several catalogs by theme are distributed throughout the year, we are now thinking about Easter and Mother's Day! Edit : After months of waiting and vague promises, the French distance selling website finally opens on 2 December 2020!
Søstrene Grene launches a new website where you can order furniture and decoration!
In these times of quarantine, and closed shops, Søstrene Grene launches its new website (to discover by clicking on this link) where you can buy its furniture and decoration at a distance. This will delight all those who couldn't easily access these Danish products, which, let's just say it, we love, both for their design and their low prices. The site already offers some very nice things, and will be expanded in the coming weeks and days. Several catalogs by theme are distributed throughout the year, we are now thinking about Easter and Mother's Day! Edit : After months of waiting and vague promises, the French distance selling website finally opens on 2 December 2020!