Papier-peint panoramique pour un loft installé dans un ancien local commercial
Lorsque qu'ils sont arrivés de France, le couple propriétaire de ce loft, Salomé, une créatrice de bijoux et de SB Collection, et Hugo, ont cherché une maison à Buenos Aires, sans trouver leur bonheur. C'est dans un ancien local commercial transformé par l'architecte Fernando Valeriani ( Estudio 866 ) qui a su réaliser leur vision qu'ils se sont installés. De nombreux meubles viennent de France et d'Europe, comme ce papier-peint panoramique "les papiers de Ninon" qui habille le mur du séjour. Le résultat est lumineux, à la fois européen et sud-américain, et un parfait mix des différentes influences. Photo : Santiago Ciuffo
Panoramic wallpaper for a loft installed in a former commercial space
When they arrived from France, the couple who owned this loft, Salomé, a jewelry and SB Collection designer, and Hugo, looked for a house in Buenos Aires, without finding their happiness. They settled in a former commercial space transformed by the architect Fernando Valeriani ( Estudio 866 ) who was able to realize their vision. Many pieces of furniture come from France and Europe, such as this panoramic wallpaper "les papiers de Ninon" which adorns the living room wall. The result is bright, both European and South American, and a perfect mix of different influences. Photo: Santiago Ciuffo
Source : La Nacion
Panoramic wallpaper for a loft installed in a former commercial space
When they arrived from France, the couple who owned this loft, Salomé, a jewelry and SB Collection designer, and Hugo, looked for a house in Buenos Aires, without finding their happiness. They settled in a former commercial space transformed by the architect Fernando Valeriani ( Estudio 866 ) who was able to realize their vision. Many pieces of furniture come from France and Europe, such as this panoramic wallpaper "les papiers de Ninon" which adorns the living room wall. The result is bright, both European and South American, and a perfect mix of different influences. Photo: Santiago Ciuffo
Source : La Nacion