Un appartement exemplaire au mobilier recyclé
Virginia Escribano habite en Argentine, et est très attachée à l'écolologie. Créatrice du site Aires de Bohemia, elle a fait de son appartement un exemple de décoration à base de mobilier recyclé, idéal pour une famille où on ne veut pas se compliquer la vie avec du mobilier trop fragile. Elle a appliqué des techniques décoratives pour relooker les meubles dont elle disposait, leur a donné une seconde vie, et a créé un bel univers bohème sans ostentation et très réussi. Photo : Magali Saberian
An exemplary apartment with recycled furniture
Virginia Escribano lives in Argentina and is very concerned about ecology. Creator of the Aires de Bohemia website, she has made her apartment an example of decoration based on recycled furniture, ideal for a family where you don't want to complicate your life with furniture that is too delicate. She applied decorative techniques to give the furniture she had at her disposal a makeover, gave it a second life, and created a beautiful bohemian universe without ostentation and very successful. Photo: Magali Saberian
Source : La Nacion
An exemplary apartment with recycled furniture
Virginia Escribano lives in Argentina and is very concerned about ecology. Creator of the Aires de Bohemia website, she has made her apartment an example of decoration based on recycled furniture, ideal for a family where you don't want to complicate your life with furniture that is too delicate. She applied decorative techniques to give the furniture she had at her disposal a makeover, gave it a second life, and created a beautiful bohemian universe without ostentation and very successful. Photo: Magali Saberian
Source : La Nacion