Comment installer une cuisine d'extérieur très économique ?
Installer une cuisine extérieure (on l'appelle également cuisine d'été), est un choix très pratique. Inutile de courir dans votre cuisine principale à l'intérieur de la maison pour préparer les repas pris dans le jardin ou sur la terrasse, et elle peut se compléter d'un barbecue pour les grillades. Mais la cuisine extérieure a un coût et c'est pour cela que je vous propose ici quelques inspirations très économiques, qui seront toutefois très utiles si vous souhaitez cuisiner en plein air. Du bois, un vieil établi récupéré par exemple, ou quelques caisses, un réchaud, de quoi poser les plats, un simple évier relié à l'eau du jardin, et vous voici équipé à petit budget et avec beaucoup de charme !
How to create a very economical outdoor kitchen?
Installing an outdoor kitchen (also known as a garden kitchen) is a very practical choice. No need to run to your main kitchen inside the house to prepare meals taken in the garden or on the terrace, and it can be completed with a barbecue for grilling. But the outdoor kitchen has a cost, and that is why I offer you here some very economical inspirations, which will however be very useful if you want to cook outdoors. Some wood, an old workbench for example, or a few boxes, a cooker, something to settle the dishes, a simple sink connected to the water from the garden, and here you are equipped on a small budget and with a lot of charm!
Source : VT Wonen
How to create a very economical outdoor kitchen?
Installing an outdoor kitchen (also known as a garden kitchen) is a very practical choice. No need to run to your main kitchen inside the house to prepare meals taken in the garden or on the terrace, and it can be completed with a barbecue for grilling. But the outdoor kitchen has a cost, and that is why I offer you here some very economical inspirations, which will however be very useful if you want to cook outdoors. Some wood, an old workbench for example, or a few boxes, a cooker, something to settle the dishes, a simple sink connected to the water from the garden, and here you are equipped on a small budget and with a lot of charm!
Source : VT Wonen