L'aménagement d'une terrasse en tons monochromes
Vous venez d'emménager dans votre nouvel appartement, qui bonheur suprême possède une terrasse? Mais les murs sont désespérément blanc et son sol gris et basique? Voici un bel exemple d'aménagement d'une terrasse de 20m² en version monochrome(la vôtre si elle est plus petite pourra être traitée de la même manière), où le choix se porte sur un mobilier blanc et noir. Longue et étroite, elle vous fait oublier que ce gris est triste, et le rend raffiné, actuel, design et réussi, et si vous ajoutez quelques plantes vertes comme ici, elle devient vraiment un lieu de vie agréable.
Designing a terrace in monochrome tones
You have just moved into your new apartment, which is a delight with a terrace? But the walls are desperately white and the floor is grey and basic? Here is a beautiful example of a 20m² terrace in a monochrome version (yours if it is smaller can be decorated in the same way), where the choice consists of black and white furniture. Long and narrow, it makes you forget that this grey is sad, and makes it refined, modern, design and successful, and if you add a few green plants like here, it really becomes a pleasant place to live.

Designing a terrace in monochrome tones
You have just moved into your new apartment, which is a delight with a terrace? But the walls are desperately white and the floor is grey and basic? Here is a beautiful example of a 20m² terrace in a monochrome version (yours if it is smaller can be decorated in the same way), where the choice consists of black and white furniture. Long and narrow, it makes you forget that this grey is sad, and makes it refined, modern, design and successful, and if you add a few green plants like here, it really becomes a pleasant place to live.
Shop the look !

