Chambre avec piscine et vue sur la mer Égée à Santorin
Se réveiller le matin dans sa chambre en regardant la mer Égée, et plonger ensuite dans sa piscine privée, tout cela ne fait-il pas rêver? C'est en tout cas ce que propose le nouvel hôtel "Nature Eco Residences Santorini", sur les terres arides et belles de l'île de Santorin, une des perles des Cyclades. La décoration est sobre, d'un style méditerranéen contemporain, utilisant les matières naturelles, les couleurs douces et neutres afin de laisser la vedette à l'environnement. Une envie de partir subitement au soleil? Moi aussi...
Bedroom with swimming pool and view of the Aegean Sea in Santorini
Waking up in your bedroom in the morning, looking out over the Aegean Sea, and then diving into your private swimming pool, isn't it all a dream? At least that is what the new Nature Eco Residences Santorini offers, on the beautiful and arid lands of the island of Santorini, one of the pearls of the Cyclades. The decoration is sober, with a contemporary Mediterranean style, using natural materials, soft and neutral colours to leave the spotlight on the environment. A urge to suddenly go out in the sun? So do I...
Source : Revista AD
Bedroom with swimming pool and view of the Aegean Sea in Santorini
Waking up in your bedroom in the morning, looking out over the Aegean Sea, and then diving into your private swimming pool, isn't it all a dream? At least that is what the new Nature Eco Residences Santorini offers, on the beautiful and arid lands of the island of Santorini, one of the pearls of the Cyclades. The decoration is sober, with a contemporary Mediterranean style, using natural materials, soft and neutral colours to leave the spotlight on the environment. A urge to suddenly go out in the sun? So do I...
Source : Revista AD