La rénovation d'une maison ancienne en pierres à la décoration contemporaine
Ilse et Joseph, tous deux originaires des Pays Bas, sont tombés amoureux de cette maison de 200m2 et de sa grange, située dans le sud de la France, et qu'ils louent à de bienheureux vacanciers (cliquer sur ce lien). Avec sa piscine privée et sa vue sur les montagnes, elle est idéale pour profiter d'une région bénie des dieux, tant pour le climat que pour la gastronomie ou les vieilles pierres. Sa décoration contemporaine s'inscrit parfaitement dans un écrin ancien, où la beauté des murs et des poutres ne cesse de nous enchanter.
Renovation of an old stone house with contemporary decoration
Ilse and Joseph, both from the Netherlands, fell in love with this 200m2 house and its barn, located in the south of France, which they rent out to lucky guests (click on this link). With its private swimming pool and mountain views, it is ideal to enjoy a region blessed by the gods, both for the climate and for the gastronomy or the old stones. Its contemporary decoration fits perfectly in an ancient setting, where the beauty of the walls and beams never ceases to enchant us.

Renovation of an old stone house with contemporary decoration
Ilse and Joseph, both from the Netherlands, fell in love with this 200m2 house and its barn, located in the south of France, which they rent out to lucky guests (click on this link). With its private swimming pool and mountain views, it is ideal to enjoy a region blessed by the gods, both for the climate and for the gastronomy or the old stones. Its contemporary decoration fits perfectly in an ancient setting, where the beauty of the walls and beams never ceases to enchant us.
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