La rénovation d'un appartement de 51m2 dans un immeuble centenaire
C'est dans un immeuble suédois construit en 1911, que cet appartement de deux-pièces a bénéficié d'une rénovation, qui ne lui a rien enlevé du charme de son passé, en lui apportant le confort contemporain. On apprécie les beaux volumes à l'ancienne, les éléments typiques comme les portes à petits carreaux, les niches voûtés, ou encore le beau parquet qui a été conservé et se marie à la perfection avec du mobilier de notre époque.
Renovation of a 51m2 apartment in a century-old building
It is in a Swedish building built in 1911, that this one-bedroom apartment has been renovated, which has taken nothing away from the charm of its past, by bringing it contemporary comfort. We appreciate the beautiful old-fashioned volumes, the typical elements such as the small-paned doors, the vaulted niches, or the beautiful parquet flooring which has been preserved and blends perfectly with the furniture of our time.

Renovation of a 51m2 apartment in a century-old building
It is in a Swedish building built in 1911, that this one-bedroom apartment has been renovated, which has taken nothing away from the charm of its past, by bringing it contemporary comfort. We appreciate the beautiful old-fashioned volumes, the typical elements such as the small-paned doors, the vaulted niches, or the beautiful parquet flooring which has been preserved and blends perfectly with the furniture of our time.
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