La rénovation contemporaine d'une bergerie du 18e siècle en Provence
En Provence, cette bergerie du 18e siècle présentée par Espaces Atypiques, est nichée en position dominante. Elle a bénéficié d'une rénovation contemporaine, qui lui a conservé le charme des éléments anciens, tout en mélangeant le bois, la pierre, le béton, le métal et le verre. Son jardin d'hiver en acier corten, à la belle structure couleur rouille, permet de s'abriter lors des jours les plus frais en profitant de la vue sur la vallée.
Contemporary renovation of an 18th century sheepfold in Provence
In Provence, this 18th century sheepfold, presented by Espaces Atypiques, is nestled in a dominant position. It has benefited from a contemporary renovation, which has retained the charm of the old elements, while mixing wood, stone, concrete, metal and glass. Its corten steel winter garden, with its beautiful rust-coloured structure, provides shelter on the coolest days while taking advantage of the view over the valley.
Contemporary renovation of an 18th century sheepfold in Provence
In Provence, this 18th century sheepfold, presented by Espaces Atypiques, is nestled in a dominant position. It has benefited from a contemporary renovation, which has retained the charm of the old elements, while mixing wood, stone, concrete, metal and glass. Its corten steel winter garden, with its beautiful rust-coloured structure, provides shelter on the coolest days while taking advantage of the view over the valley.