Cette mini maison en bois de 30m2 avec terrasse et mezzanine s'installe en 10 jours
Greenkub est une entreprise française qui s'est fait une spécialité dans l'installation de mini maisons en bois d'une surface de 11 à 30 m² sur les terrains de particuliers. Elles sont destinées à être des logements parfaitement confortables, installés en 5 ou 10 jours selon les modèles, tous conçus par un architecte. Dans le prix sont comprises la prise en charge des démarches administratives, la livraison en France métropolitaine, et une garantie jusqu'à 15 ans (selon les modalités de raccordement). Cette mini maison est un des modèles les plus grands avec ses 30m², avec sa mezzanine et sa terrasse sur le toit, et est idéale pour son propre usage, pour loger un enfant qui grandit, ou même faire de la location de courte et longue durée. Si vous voulez découvrir tous les détails techniques des différents modèles (et leur prix), n'hésitez pas à cliquer sur ce lien.
This mini wooden house of 30m2 with terrace and mezzanine is completed in 10 days.
Greenkub is a French company that has specialized in the construction of mini wooden houses with a surface area of 11 to 30 m² on private individuals' plots. They are intended to be perfectly comfortable homes, installed in 5 or 10 days depending on the model, all designed by an architect. In the price are included the administrative procedures, delivery in metropolitan France, and a guarantee up to 15 years (depending on the connection modalities). This mini house is one of the largest models with its 30m², with its mezzanine and roof terrace, and is ideal for its own private use, to house a growing child, or even for short and long term rentals. If you want to discover all the technical details of the different models (and their prices), don't hesitate to click on this link.
This mini wooden house of 30m2 with terrace and mezzanine is completed in 10 days.
Greenkub is a French company that has specialized in the construction of mini wooden houses with a surface area of 11 to 30 m² on private individuals' plots. They are intended to be perfectly comfortable homes, installed in 5 or 10 days depending on the model, all designed by an architect. In the price are included the administrative procedures, delivery in metropolitan France, and a guarantee up to 15 years (depending on the connection modalities). This mini house is one of the largest models with its 30m², with its mezzanine and roof terrace, and is ideal for its own private use, to house a growing child, or even for short and long term rentals. If you want to discover all the technical details of the different models (and their prices), don't hesitate to click on this link.