Une maison design et blanche propice au bien-être familial
C'est en Espagne que Susanna Cots Interior Design a pris en charge la décoration de Dawn House, une maison contemporaine aux lignes design, où les propriétaires ont recherché avant tout à obtenir un espace de bien-être familial. Tout est à la fois simple et facile à vivre et en même temps sophistiqué grâce à l'utilisation de matériaux nobles comme le chêne, et à la mise en valeur de la lumière naturelle. Photo : Mauricio Fuertes
Design and white house for family well-being
It was in Spain that Susanna Cots Interior Design took charge of the decoration of Dawn House, a contemporary house with design lines, where the owners sought above all to obtain a space for family well-being. Everything is both simple and easy to live with and at the same time sophisticated thanks to the use of noble materials such as oak, and the enhancement of natural light. Photo: Mauricio Fuertes
Design and white house for family well-being
It was in Spain that Susanna Cots Interior Design took charge of the decoration of Dawn House, a contemporary house with design lines, where the owners sought above all to obtain a space for family well-being. Everything is both simple and easy to live with and at the same time sophisticated thanks to the use of noble materials such as oak, and the enhancement of natural light. Photo: Mauricio Fuertes