Cette mini maison en bois de 27m2 pourrait être celle de vos rêves ? (plans 2D et 3D)
J'ai l'habitude de vous présenter des reportages faits de belles photos inspirantes pour chez vous. Mais lorsque je tombe sur un projet de construction bien illustré en 3D, surtout s'il concerne une mini maison - un type de logement que mes lecteurs aiment énormément -, je ne résiste pas au plaisir de vous le montrer. Alors, bien sûr, cette mini maison de 27m² est construite en Suède sur son terrain et fait partie d'un projet immobilier. Mais avec les plans 2D et 3D à la fin de l'article, qui vous empêche de la copier, et de l'installer soit dans votre jardin pour accueillir famille et amis, ou sur un terrain pour être votre premier investissement?
This 27m2 mini wooden house could be the one of your dreams? (2D and 3D plans)
I am used to presenting you reports made of beautiful and inspiring photos for your home. But when I come across a well illustrated 3D construction project, especially if it concerns a mini house - a type of housing that my readers love - I can't resist the pleasure of showing it to you. So, of course, this 27m² mini house is built in Sweden on its plot and is part of a real estate project. But with the 2D and 3D plans at the end of the article, which prevents you from copying it, and installing it either in your garden to welcome family and friends, or on a plot to be your first real estate investment?
27m² + 7m²

This 27m2 mini wooden house could be the one of your dreams? (2D and 3D plans)
I am used to presenting you reports made of beautiful and inspiring photos for your home. But when I come across a well illustrated 3D construction project, especially if it concerns a mini house - a type of housing that my readers love - I can't resist the pleasure of showing it to you. So, of course, this 27m² mini house is built in Sweden on its plot and is part of a real estate project. But with the 2D and 3D plans at the end of the article, which prevents you from copying it, and installing it either in your garden to welcome family and friends, or on a plot to be your first real estate investment?
27m² + 7m²
Shop the look !

