Une petite maison pour s'isoler dans le désert des Mojaves
Cette petite maison de 67m² est située dans un lieu loin de la civilisation, en plein désert des Mojaves, en Californie. Elle offre des vues incroyables sur le paysage rude et beau qui l'entoure, tout en arborant une décoration simple mais réussie, aux tons assortis avec son environnement, faite de matériaux naturels et de pièces artisanales.
Small house to isolate yourself in the Mojave Desert
This small house of 67m² is located in a place far from civilization, in the middle of the Mojave Desert in California. It offers incredible views of the rugged and beautiful landscape surrounding it, while displaying a simple but successful decoration, with tones that match its surroundings, made of natural materials and handcrafted items.
Source : Apartment Therapy

Small house to isolate yourself in the Mojave Desert
This small house of 67m² is located in a place far from civilization, in the middle of the Mojave Desert in California. It offers incredible views of the rugged and beautiful landscape surrounding it, while displaying a simple but successful decoration, with tones that match its surroundings, made of natural materials and handcrafted items.
Source : Apartment Therapy
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