Une cabane sur l'eau pour profiter de la nature au Québec
Accessible par voie terrestre, en paddle, et même en raquettes en cas de neige, cette cabane sur l'eau vous plongera au milieu de la nature canadienne et plus particulièrement dans cette du Québec à 30 minutes de la ville. Toutefois on oublie le style trappeur pour accéder à un confort moderne, une décoration design qui laisse la vedette aux larges ouvertures sur l'extérieur et au paysage environnant. Tentés de découvrir ce beau pays en séjournant dans ce petit paradis terrestre? Alors cliquez sur ce lien pour tout savoir.
Cabin on the water to enjoy nature in Quebec
Accessible by land, by paddle, and even with snowshoes in case of snow, this waterfront cabin will plunge you into the middle of Canadian nature and more particularly into this of Quebec at 30 minutes from the city. However, forget about the trapper style to access modern comfort, a design decoration that leaves the spotlight on the wide openings to the outside and the surrounding landscape. Tempted to discover this beautiful country by staying in this small earthly paradise? Then click on this link to find out all about it.

Cabin on the water to enjoy nature in Quebec
Accessible by land, by paddle, and even with snowshoes in case of snow, this waterfront cabin will plunge you into the middle of Canadian nature and more particularly into this of Quebec at 30 minutes from the city. However, forget about the trapper style to access modern comfort, a design decoration that leaves the spotlight on the wide openings to the outside and the surrounding landscape. Tempted to discover this beautiful country by staying in this small earthly paradise? Then click on this link to find out all about it.
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