Cette tiny house familiale de 35m2 est coûteuse mais elle est aussi luxueuse
David Latimer, de New Frontier Design, a créé l'Escher, une tiny house familiale pour 4 à 6 personnes, et chère. Avec sa surface de 35m², elle est équipée d'une cuisine haut de gamme complète, de deux chambres dont une en hauteur, d'une salle de bain et d'un dressing. Avec son prix de 200.000 $ (environ 200.000 € que je vous indique car je sais que pour la plupart vous avez envie de le connaître), elle se situe dans le haut du budget pour une mini maison de ce type, mais son constructeur pense que la plupart des familles (nord-américaines?) vivront dans ce genre de logement à l'avenir et que la qualité des prestations est indispensable (et a donc un coût). Bien entendu, pour nous les Français, le prix peut sembler excessif par rapport à la construction d'une maison traditionnelle. Mais n'oublions pas qu'il s'agit là d'une conception différente de la vie, et que chacun n'a pas les mêmes envies (ni le même budget), je refuserai donc de me prononcer sur l'intérêt ou non d'une telle démarche. Il n'empêche que cette tiny house est particulièrement réussie, qu'elle peut vous inspirer avec sa décoration réussie si vous habitez dans un petit appartement classique et que vous souhaitez optimiser vos mètres carrés. Photo : Studiobuell Photography
This tiny family house of 35m2 is expensive, but it is also luxurious.
David Latimer, from New Frontier Design, has created the Escher, a tiny and expensive family house for 4 to 6 people. With a surface area of 35m², it is equipped with a complete top-of-the-range kitchen, two bedrooms, one of which is high up, a bathroom and a walk-in closet. With a price of $200,000 (about 200,000 € which I'm indicating to you because I know that most of you want to know it), it is at the top of the budget for a mini house of this type, but its builder believes that most families (North Americans?) will live in this type of housing in the future and that the quality of the features is essential (and therefore has a cost). Of course, for us French people, the price may seem excessive compared to building a traditional house. But let's not forget that this is a different conception of life, and that not everyone has the same desires (nor the same budget), so I will refuse to comment on whether or not it is worthwhile. Nonetheless, this tiny house is particularly successful, and can inspire you with its successful decoration if you live in a classic small flat and want to make the most of your square metres. Photo: Studiobuell Photography
This tiny family house of 35m2 is expensive, but it is also luxurious.
David Latimer, from New Frontier Design, has created the Escher, a tiny and expensive family house for 4 to 6 people. With a surface area of 35m², it is equipped with a complete top-of-the-range kitchen, two bedrooms, one of which is high up, a bathroom and a walk-in closet. With a price of $200,000 (about 200,000 € which I'm indicating to you because I know that most of you want to know it), it is at the top of the budget for a mini house of this type, but its builder believes that most families (North Americans?) will live in this type of housing in the future and that the quality of the features is essential (and therefore has a cost). Of course, for us French people, the price may seem excessive compared to building a traditional house. But let's not forget that this is a different conception of life, and that not everyone has the same desires (nor the same budget), so I will refuse to comment on whether or not it is worthwhile. Nonetheless, this tiny house is particularly successful, and can inspire you with its successful decoration if you live in a classic small flat and want to make the most of your square metres. Photo: Studiobuell Photography