Chambre cocon dans un petit appartement de 44m2
Dans un bel immeuble datant de 1917 qui a conservé ses beaux éléments d'origine, ce deux-pièces de 44m2 a été créé grâce à l'ajout d'une chambre en second jour, un véritable cocon qui est éclairé avec une paroi de briques de verre et sa porte d'accès vitrée. Il est parfois difficile dans les volumes anciens de trouver une place évidente pour la création d'une pièce supplémentaire, contrairement aux constructions contemporaines. Mais le charme de cet espace fait oublier ce petit inconvénient, et nul doute que l'on s'y sentira à l'aise et protégé lorsqu'on y dort. La décoration de cet appartement suédois est également très réussie avec son canapé en velours bleu et son bois clair typique du design scandinave.
Cocoon bedroom in a small flat of 44m2
In a beautiful building dating from 1917 which has retained its beautiful original features, this 44m2 one-bedroom apartment was created by adding a borrowed light bedroom, a real cocoon which is lit with a glass brick wall and its glass access door. It is sometimes difficult in old volumes to find an obvious place for the creation of an additional room, contrary to contemporary constructions. But the charm of this space makes you forget this small inconvenience, and no doubt you will feel comfortable and protected when you sleep there. The decoration of this Swedish flat is also very successful with its blue velvet sofa and light wood typical of Scandinavian design.
Cocoon bedroom in a small flat of 44m2
In a beautiful building dating from 1917 which has retained its beautiful original features, this 44m2 one-bedroom apartment was created by adding a borrowed light bedroom, a real cocoon which is lit with a glass brick wall and its glass access door. It is sometimes difficult in old volumes to find an obvious place for the creation of an additional room, contrary to contemporary constructions. But the charm of this space makes you forget this small inconvenience, and no doubt you will feel comfortable and protected when you sleep there. The decoration of this Swedish flat is also very successful with its blue velvet sofa and light wood typical of Scandinavian design.