Une maison A Frame à l'intérieur design près d'une rivière
La décoration épurée de Lilla Norr, "Petit Nord" en suédois, une maison A Frame typique située dans le Minnesota, contrebalance avec réussite le coloris sombre du bois de construction. Près de la rivière Snake, dans les bois, ce cottage appartient à un couple d'esthètes qui possède un boutique d'antiquités à Minneapolis. Construite en 1978, elle a conservé ses caractéristiques de l'époque, même si son intérieur a été entièrement rénové. Vous voulez la découvrir un peu plus? Elle peut se louer en cliquant sur ce lien .
A Frame house with a designer interior near a river
Lilla Norr's sleek decoration, "Little North" in Swedish, a typical A Frame house in Minnesota, successfully counterbalances the dark colour of the timber. Near the Snake River, in the woods, this cottage belongs to an aesthete couple who own an antique shop in Minneapolis. Built in 1978, it has retained its original features, although its interior has been completely renovated. Want to discover it a little more? You can rent it by clicking on this link.
A Frame house with a designer interior near a river
Lilla Norr's sleek decoration, "Little North" in Swedish, a typical A Frame house in Minnesota, successfully counterbalances the dark colour of the timber. Near the Snake River, in the woods, this cottage belongs to an aesthete couple who own an antique shop in Minneapolis. Built in 1978, it has retained its original features, although its interior has been completely renovated. Want to discover it a little more? You can rent it by clicking on this link.