Cuisine ouverte au design doux pour un parfait deux-pièces de 36m2
Lorsque l'on vit dans un petit appartement, on y manque souvent d'une cuisine confortable et de rangements. Ici dans ce deux-pièces suédois de 36m2 tout a été parfaitement prévu. Sa cuisine est non seulement ouverte, mais également d'une couleur vert d'eau et d'un design qui se marie particulièrement bien avec le bois omniprésent dans l'appartement. De grands placards occupent tout un pan de mur afin de pouvoir ranger tout ce qui est indispensable au quotidien, mais parfois envahissant. La chambre malgré sa petite surface est particulièrement accueillante et lumineuse. Que demandez de plus dans une grande ville?
Open kitchen with soft design for a perfect 36m2 one-bedroom apartment.
Living in a small flat often lacks a comfortable kitchen and storage space. Here in this 36m2 Swedish one-bedroom flat everything has been perfectly planned. The kitchen is not only open-plan, but also water green in colour and a design that blends in particularly well with the wood that is omnipresent in the flat. Large cupboards take up a whole section of the wall so that you can store everything you need for your daily life, but which can be overwhelming at times. The bedroom, despite its small size, is particularly welcoming and bright. What more could you ask for in a big city?

Open kitchen with soft design for a perfect 36m2 one-bedroom apartment.
Living in a small flat often lacks a comfortable kitchen and storage space. Here in this 36m2 Swedish one-bedroom flat everything has been perfectly planned. The kitchen is not only open-plan, but also water green in colour and a design that blends in particularly well with the wood that is omnipresent in the flat. Large cupboards take up a whole section of the wall so that you can store everything you need for your daily life, but which can be overwhelming at times. The bedroom, despite its small size, is particularly welcoming and bright. What more could you ask for in a big city?
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