La rénovation d'un appartement centenaire aux couleurs neutres
Cet appartement se situe dans un immeuble construit dans les années 1920, et a bénéficié d'une rénovation totale. L'immeuble dans lequel il se situe, bardé de bois avec une architecture typique de l'époque a conservé sa façade d'origine, ainsi que de beaux éléments comme les portes en chêne massif qui conduise aux appartements. Celui-ci a été entièrement restauré, et grâce aux grandes fenêtres, la lumière y entre à flot. La décoration en tons naturels la met particulièrement en valeur, et donne une atmosphère sereine.
Renovation of a century-old flat in neutral colours
This flat is located in a building constructed in the 1920s, and has benefited from a total renovation. The building in which it is located, clad in wood with a typical architecture of the time, has kept its original facade, as well as beautiful elements such as the solid oak doors that lead to the flats. This one has been completely restored, and thanks to the large windows, the light flows in. The decoration in natural tones enhances it and gives a serene atmosphere.
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entrée appartement rénové en tons neutres
entrée appartement rénové en tons neutres
façade immeuble suédois des années 1920

Renovation of a century-old flat in neutral colours
This flat is located in a building constructed in the 1920s, and has benefited from a total renovation. The building in which it is located, clad in wood with a typical architecture of the time, has kept its original facade, as well as beautiful elements such as the solid oak doors that lead to the flats. This one has been completely restored, and thanks to the large windows, the light flows in. The decoration in natural tones enhances it and gives a serene atmosphere.
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entrée appartement rénové en tons neutres
entrée appartement rénové en tons neutres
façade immeuble suédois des années 1920
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