Comment faire entrer le soleil du sud dans sa maison grâce à la décoration ?
Le soleil est parfois capricieux, et nous avons tous envie, dès le printemps arrivé, qu'il s'installe en force. C'est pourquoi je vous propose de découvrir la tendance "Hostal del sol" de Leroy Merlin qui va vous aider à créer un véritable intérieur inspiré par le sud, le soleil, la chaleur de l'été dans votre maison. Coloris chauds, comme le orange, le jaune et le sable, matières naturelles, coton, bois, lin et rotin, motifs géométriques, avec des graphismes mêlés au blanc et noir, sont à l'honneur dans ces photos qui vous invitent à renouveler votre décor (c'est une excellente idée de se créer une nouvelle décoration saisonnière, pour voyager sans bouger de chez vous !). La douceur du sud est là, directement chez vous, quelque soit la région où vous résidez.
How to bring the southern sun into your home through decoration?
The sun is sometimes capricious, and we all want it to come out in force as soon as spring arrives. That's why I suggest you discover the "Hostal del sol" trend from Leroy Merlin, which will help you create a real interior inspired by the south, the sun, the heat of summer in your home. Warm colours, such as orange, yellow and sand, natural materials, cotton, wood, linen and rattan, geometric patterns, with graphics mixed with white and black, are in the spotlight in these photos which invite you to renew your decor (it's a great idea to create a new seasonal decoration, to travel without moving from home!) The softness of the south is right there, in your home, whatever the region you live in.
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How to bring the southern sun into your home through decoration?
The sun is sometimes capricious, and we all want it to come out in force as soon as spring arrives. That's why I suggest you discover the "Hostal del sol" trend from Leroy Merlin, which will help you create a real interior inspired by the south, the sun, the heat of summer in your home. Warm colours, such as orange, yellow and sand, natural materials, cotton, wood, linen and rattan, geometric patterns, with graphics mixed with white and black, are in the spotlight in these photos which invite you to renew your decor (it's a great idea to create a new seasonal decoration, to travel without moving from home!) The softness of the south is right there, in your home, whatever the region you live in.
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