Comment multiplier les mètres carrés dans votre appartement?
Si vous ne disposez comme ici que d'un studio de 36m², et que vous ne souhaitez pas offrir la vue de votre lit aux visiteurs, une bonne solution consiste à investir dans un lit armoire. On en trouve désormais à prix accessibles grâce à Internet et au prix du mètre carré des grandes villes, c'est un investissement rentable, transformant votre appartement d'une pièce en un deux pièces dès le soir venu. Toutefois, si comme ici vous disposez d'une grande cuisine donnant sur un joli balcon en outre, créer une chambre à la place de cette pièce comme suggéré sur le plan n°2 est une option encore plus intéressante.
How to multiply the square meters in your apartment?
If you only dispose as here of a 36m² studio, and you don't want to give the view of your bed to the visitors, a good solution is to invest in a bed in a closet. You can now find them at affordable prices through the internet and considering the price per square meter in big cities, this is a worthwhile investment, turning your one-room apartment in a two-room from the evening. However, if as here you have a large kitchen overlooking in addition on a nice balcony , create a bedroom in place of that room as suggested on the plan 2 is an even more interesting option.
source :HusmanHagberg
How to multiply the square meters in your apartment?
If you only dispose as here of a 36m² studio, and you don't want to give the view of your bed to the visitors, a good solution is to invest in a bed in a closet. You can now find them at affordable prices through the internet and considering the price per square meter in big cities, this is a worthwhile investment, turning your one-room apartment in a two-room from the evening. However, if as here you have a large kitchen overlooking in addition on a nice balcony , create a bedroom in place of that room as suggested on the plan 2 is an even more interesting option.
source :HusmanHagberg