White spirit
Comme souvent c'est le blanc qui a pris possession de cet appartement scandinave de 58m². Il sait s'entourer de bois clair, de carafes et de vases ventrus qui reflètent la lumière omniprésente, pour une décoration éthérée so chic...
White spirit
As often is the white which took possession of this 58m² Scandinavian apartment. It knows how to surround himself with light wood, potbellied jugs and vases reflecting the pervasive light, for a so chic ethereal decor ...
White spirit
As often is the white which took possession of this 58m² Scandinavian apartment. It knows how to surround himself with light wood, potbellied jugs and vases reflecting the pervasive light, for a so chic ethereal decor ...