De la couleur à Varsovie
Cet appartement à Varsovie, remanié par le cabinet d'architecture polonais Widawscy, est un espace ouvert baigné par la lumière du jour et divisé en zones bien définies. La couleur est présente, comme sur le mur en rayures bayadères,sauf dans la chambre principale qui reste un espace dédié au repos, y compris visuel.
Color in Warsaw
This apartment in Warsaw, rebuilt by the Polish architecture firm Widawscy, is an open space bathed in daylight and divided into clearly defined zones. The color is present, like on the striped wall, except in the master bedroom which remains an area dedicated to rest, including the visual one.
Color in Warsaw
This apartment in Warsaw, rebuilt by the Polish architecture firm Widawscy, is an open space bathed in daylight and divided into clearly defined zones. The color is present, like on the striped wall, except in the master bedroom which remains an area dedicated to rest, including the visual one.