Comment se protéger des vues extérieures en rez-de-chaussée?
Ce studio est un bon exemple de la façon de se protéger des regards des passants lorsqu'on habite un rez-de-chaussée sur rue. Ul suffit de mettre sur ses vitres un film opaque jusqu'à la mi-hauteur pour ne pas perdre en lumière, mais se cacher de l'extérieur.
How to protect external views on the ground floor?
This studio is a good example of how to protect themselves from the eyes of passersby when you live on the ground floor in a street. Just put on your windows an opaque film until mid-height in order not to lose light, but to be hide from the outside.
How to protect external views on the ground floor?
This studio is a good example of how to protect themselves from the eyes of passersby when you live on the ground floor in a street. Just put on your windows an opaque film until mid-height in order not to lose light, but to be hide from the outside.