Cuisine ouverte ou non?
L'architecte bien connu Philippe Demougeot, a déclaré qu'il détestait les cuisines ouvertes, car elles obligent à avoir une discipline de rangement absolue tout au long de l'année. Il leur préfère les cuisines semi-ouvertes comme ici dans ce trois pièces. Je dois dire que c'est une solution qui me semble idéale : cacher ce que l'on ne veut pas voir tout en ouvrant suffisamment les espaces pour ne pas se trouver séparé du reste de la famille lorsqu'on prépare les repas. Alors cuisine ouverte ou semi-ouverte pour vous?
Open kitchen or not?
The well known architect Philippe Demougeot, said he hates the open kitchens because they require to have absolute storage discipline throughout the year. It prefers semi-open kitchens like here in this two-bedrooms. I must say that it's a solution that seems ideal: hide what you don't want to see while opening spaces enough to not be separated from the rest of the family when preparing meals. So, open or semi-open kitchen for you?
Open kitchen or not?
The well known architect Philippe Demougeot, said he hates the open kitchens because they require to have absolute storage discipline throughout the year. It prefers semi-open kitchens like here in this two-bedrooms. I must say that it's a solution that seems ideal: hide what you don't want to see while opening spaces enough to not be separated from the rest of the family when preparing meals. So, open or semi-open kitchen for you?