Un appartement sous combles à San Sebastian
Lorsque l'espace est rare, comme dans ces combles à San Sebastian. il faut exploiter au mieux tous les mètres carrés à sa disposItion, c'est Concha Rodríguez, du Studio Telone qui s'est chargée de la rénovation de cet appartement, en ouvrant les volumes au maximum et en privilégiant la lumière naturelle.
An attic apartment in San Sebastian
When space is rare such as in this attic in San Sebastian. you must make the most of every square meters at your disposal, it's Concha Rodriguez, from Studio Telone who was responsible for the renovation of this apartment, opening up volumes and favoring natural light.
source : Nuevo Estilo
An attic apartment in San Sebastian
When space is rare such as in this attic in San Sebastian. you must make the most of every square meters at your disposal, it's Concha Rodriguez, from Studio Telone who was responsible for the renovation of this apartment, opening up volumes and favoring natural light.
source : Nuevo Estilo