La douceur du lin
Avouons le, sans la douceur du lin que l'on retrouve au fil des pièces de cet appartement de Stockholm, ces espaces seraient réfrigérants, à l'image de la cuisine trop bien rangée où il n'y a aucune vie visible. La présence du lin change tout, heureusement. Photos : Hans Blomgren
Linen softness
Let us face it, without the linen sweetness, present room after room in this Stockholm apartment, these spaces will be refrigerants, like the too tidy kitchen in which there is no existing life. Linen presence changes everything, thankfully. Photos: Hans Blomgren
Source : Bjurfors
Linen softness
Let us face it, without the linen sweetness, present room after room in this Stockholm apartment, these spaces will be refrigerants, like the too tidy kitchen in which there is no existing life. Linen presence changes everything, thankfully. Photos: Hans Blomgren
Source : Bjurfors