Les couleurs et les matériaux naturels, alliés au blanc et à l'acier, ont un côté intemporel, qui fera que votre décoration ne sera jamais "has been". Ici, la toile blanche s'adoucit grâce à l'osier, à la fourrure, et au bois. Les chaises industrielles viennent juste ponctuer d'un peu de force cet univers tout en retenue.
Colours and natural materials, combined with white and steel, have a timeless quality that will make that your decor will never be outdated. Here, the white canvas is softened with wicker, the fur and wood. Industrial chairs just come punctuate with a little of strength this universe without ostentation.
Source : Reveny
Colours and natural materials, combined with white and steel, have a timeless quality that will make that your decor will never be outdated. Here, the white canvas is softened with wicker, the fur and wood. Industrial chairs just come punctuate with a little of strength this universe without ostentation.
Source : Reveny