Lumière grise
Le gris a envahi ce petit appartement familial de trois pièces, et sert de fil conducteur pièce après pièce. Ce n'est pas un choix audacieux. Rien ne vient heurter le regard, rien ne bouscule. Un espace parfaitement neutre. Est il moins intéressant pour autant? Certainement pas. Il est une leçon d'équilibre, d'esprit zen, et surtout une base parfaite pour y apporter sa propre personnalité.
Gray light
Gray has invaded this small two-bedroom family apartment, and is the underlying theme room after room. This isn't a bold choice. Nothing strikes the eye, nothing upsets. A perfectly neutral space. However, is it less interesting ? Certainly not. It's a balancing lesson of Zen spirit, and really a perfect base to bring it its own personality.
Gray light
Gray has invaded this small two-bedroom family apartment, and is the underlying theme room after room. This isn't a bold choice. Nothing strikes the eye, nothing upsets. A perfectly neutral space. However, is it less interesting ? Certainly not. It's a balancing lesson of Zen spirit, and really a perfect base to bring it its own personality.