Chambres fraîches pour l'été
Un jour il fera chaud (oui, oui) et vous vous plaindrez des nuits difficiles, où il presque impossible de dormir. J'aime ces nuits courtes, où on entend avant même que le jour arrive, le piaillement des oiseaux. J'aime apercevoir un bout de ciel bleu, promesse d'un jour radieux, et écouter la vie en prenant mon premier café. Et j'aime aussi ces chambres fraîches, où on se sent si bien, que la chaleur écrasante n'est plus qu'une impression.
Fresh bedrooms for summer
One day it will be hot (yes, yes) and you will complain about tough nights, where it almost impossible to sleep. I love these short nights, which you hear even before the day arrives, the singing of birds. I like to see a bit of blue sky, promise of a bright day, and listen to life by taking my first coffee. And I love these fresh bedrooms, where you feel so good, that the overwhelming heat becomes just an impression.
Source : Ikea
Fresh bedrooms for summer
One day it will be hot (yes, yes) and you will complain about tough nights, where it almost impossible to sleep. I love these short nights, which you hear even before the day arrives, the singing of birds. I like to see a bit of blue sky, promise of a bright day, and listen to life by taking my first coffee. And I love these fresh bedrooms, where you feel so good, that the overwhelming heat becomes just an impression.
Source : Ikea