L'automne chez IB Laursen
L'entreprise danoise IB Laursen est une des grandes actrices de la décoration intérieure scandinave. Je vous invite à découvrir ici, les pages de son nouveau catalogue pour l'automne. Je vous épargnerais pour l'instant celles du catalogue de Noël, ce n'est ni le temps, ni l'heure. Aujourd'hui, il va faire plus de 35° chez moi, Noël me semble encore très, très loin...
The fall at IB Laursen
The IB Laursen Danish company is one of the great actresses of Scandinavian interior design. I invite you to discover here, the pages of the new catalog for the fall. I would spare you for now those of the Christmas catalog, this is neither the time nor the hour. Today there will be more than 35 ° in my french region, Christmas still seems far, far away ...
The fall at IB Laursen
The IB Laursen Danish company is one of the great actresses of Scandinavian interior design. I invite you to discover here, the pages of the new catalog for the fall. I would spare you for now those of the Christmas catalog, this is neither the time nor the hour. Today there will be more than 35 ° in my french region, Christmas still seems far, far away ...