Un appartement kawaï
Kawaï est un mot japonais, signifiant petit et mignon. Mais pourquoi dire que cet appartement est kawaï? Quand j'ai vu les photos, je me suis dit "oh il est trrrrrrop mignooooon lui", trop mignon se traduisant mieux par kawaï que par tout autre mot. Non? Il y a un je ne sais quoi dans cette décoration et la façon dont sont agencés les espaces de foncièrement joli et agréable, même si on a le droit à une décoration scandinave classique. Les lignes sont douces et agréables, les tons neutres. Bref, c'est kawaï...et oui
A kawaï apartment
Kawai is a Japanese word, meaning small and cute. But why say that this apartment is kawaii? When I saw the pictures, I thought "oh it's toooooo cuuuute ," too cute is better translating by kawaï by than any other word. No? There is a certain " je ne sais quoi" in the decoration and how the spaces are arranged fundamentally pretty and pleasant, although if it's of a classic Scandinavian design. The lines are soft and pleasant , in neutral tones. In short, it's kawaï... yes it is.
A kawaï apartment
Kawai is a Japanese word, meaning small and cute. But why say that this apartment is kawaii? When I saw the pictures, I thought "oh it's toooooo cuuuute ," too cute is better translating by kawaï by than any other word. No? There is a certain " je ne sais quoi" in the decoration and how the spaces are arranged fundamentally pretty and pleasant, although if it's of a classic Scandinavian design. The lines are soft and pleasant , in neutral tones. In short, it's kawaï... yes it is.