Une longue attente
Allez savoir pourquoi, je préfère vous parler du printemps en automne que de l'hiver en été. C'est que parfois le retour de la belle saison, nous semble si loin, c'est une longue attente surtout lorsque les jours raccourcissent vraiment. Cet appartement et ses douces couleurs pastel dans le salon et dans la chambre d'enfant évoquent bien le printemps à venir. En attendant, savourez chaque jour de votre existence, qu'il fasse beau ou non, car la vie est une aventure merveilleuse pour qui veut bien l'apprécier.
A long wait
God knows why, I'd rather talk to you about spring in autumn than about winter in summer. It is that sometimes the return of the beautiful season, seems to us so far, it is a long wait especially when the days shorten really. This apartment and its soft pastel colors in the living room and in the children's room evoke well the spring to come. Meanwhile, enjoy every day of your existence, whether it's beautiful or not, life is a wonderful adventure to anyone who wants to appreciate it.
A long wait
God knows why, I'd rather talk to you about spring in autumn than about winter in summer. It is that sometimes the return of the beautiful season, seems to us so far, it is a long wait especially when the days shorten really. This apartment and its soft pastel colors in the living room and in the children's room evoke well the spring to come. Meanwhile, enjoy every day of your existence, whether it's beautiful or not, life is a wonderful adventure to anyone who wants to appreciate it.