Du gris dans un studio avec alcôve
Si ce studio ne brille pas par l'originalité de sa décoration, avec ce camaïeu de gris décliné sur tous ses tons, il n'en reste pas moins un appartement avec alcôve bien étudié, d'où une certaine chaleur n'est pas absente, grâce entre autre au grand tapis moelleux qui apporte de la douceur à un univers un peu triste. Le gris est beau, mais parfois, on aimerait voir un peu de couleur envahir la décoration scandinave. Une touche de pastel, par exemple, serait réellement bienvenue.
Gray in a studio with alcove
If this studio far from original for its decoration, with this shade of gray declined in all its tones, it nevertheless remains an apartment with alcove well studied, from where a certain warmth is not absent , thanks among other things to the large soft carpet that brings softness to a universe a little sad. The gray is beautiful, but sometimes we would like to see some color invade the Scandinavian decoration. A touch of pastel, for example, would be really welcomed.
Gray in a studio with alcove
If this studio far from original for its decoration, with this shade of gray declined in all its tones, it nevertheless remains an apartment with alcove well studied, from where a certain warmth is not absent , thanks among other things to the large soft carpet that brings softness to a universe a little sad. The gray is beautiful, but sometimes we would like to see some color invade the Scandinavian decoration. A touch of pastel, for example, would be really welcomed.