Un appartement plein de surprises
Cet appartement plein de recoins et de surprises, pratiquement sans cloisons malgré sa surface assez importante, se révèle aussi séduisant de jour et de nuit, avec sa vue sur l'eau, qui devient féérique à la nuit tombée, lorsque toutes les lumières de la ville s'allument et font du paysage un spectacle éclatant.
An apartment full of surprises
This apartment full of nooks and surprises, practically without partitions in spite of its large surface, looks attractive during day and night, with its view on the water, which becomes magic at nightfall, when all the city lights are lighting and make the landscape a bright show.
An apartment full of surprises
This apartment full of nooks and surprises, practically without partitions in spite of its large surface, looks attractive during day and night, with its view on the water, which becomes magic at nightfall, when all the city lights are lighting and make the landscape a bright show.