Chez une écrivaine danoise (et son chat)
C'est ennuyeux comme ces gens qui ont tous les talents vous donnent des complexes (je plaisante). Annika von Holdt est une écrivaine danoise, qui en plus possède un blog sur lequel elle répond gentiment à ses lecteurs, et un compte Instagram, où elle met en ligne de très belles photos de sa maison. Donc, elle écrit, elle aime les animaux et particulièrement les chiens et les chats, elle décore, et elle sait prendre des photos. On peut deviner que c'est une belle personne au sens propre comme au sens figuré, et sans doute sait-elle cuisiner et être une parfaite hôtesse pour ses invités...Il me reste bien du chemin à accomplir. Photos : Annika von Holdt*
In a Danish writer home (and her cat)
It's boring as these people who have all the talents give you complexes (I joke). Annika von Holdt is a Danish writer who also has a blog on which she kindly answers to her readers, and an Instagram account, where she publishes beautiful pictures of her home. So she writes, she loves animals and especially dogs and cats, she decorates, and she knows how to shoot. You can guess that she is a beautiful person in the literal and figurative sense, and undoubtedly she knows how to cook and be a perfect hostess for her guests ... I still have a long way to go. Photos: Annika von Holdt
source : Revista AD
In a Danish writer home (and her cat)
It's boring as these people who have all the talents give you complexes (I joke). Annika von Holdt is a Danish writer who also has a blog on which she kindly answers to her readers, and an Instagram account, where she publishes beautiful pictures of her home. So she writes, she loves animals and especially dogs and cats, she decorates, and she knows how to shoot. You can guess that she is a beautiful person in the literal and figurative sense, and undoubtedly she knows how to cook and be a perfect hostess for her guests ... I still have a long way to go. Photos: Annika von Holdt
source : Revista AD