Slow chair et plantes vertes
Avec sa vue sur le lac et ses hauts plafonds, cet appartement lumineux présenté par Historiska, est un lieu qui incite à la contemplation. Son design pur qui peut sembler un peu froid s'adoucit grâce à la présence de la Slow Chair rose éditée par Vitra, et des nombreuses plantes vertes. Photo : Boukari
Slow chair and green plants
With its view of the lake and high ceilings, this luminous apartment presented by Historiska, is a place that encourages contemplation. Its pure design, which may seem a little cold, is softened by the presence of the pink Slow Chair edited by Vitra, and numerous green plants. Photo: Boukari
56 m²
Slow chair and green plants
With its view of the lake and high ceilings, this luminous apartment presented by Historiska, is a place that encourages contemplation. Its pure design, which may seem a little cold, is softened by the presence of the pink Slow Chair edited by Vitra, and numerous green plants. Photo: Boukari
56 m²