Design et plantes font bon ménage
Chez Kristina et Thomas au Danemark, les créateurs de A couple of Stories il est difficile de distinguer l'intérieur de l'extérieur, tellement la présence des plantes efface les frontières entre les deux espaces. Le vert des feuillages se marie à merveille avec le design blanc et bois de la décoration, et apporte la fraicheur idéale dans un milieu urbain. Photo : Style System
Design and plants make a good match
At Kristina and Thomas in Denmark, the creators of A couple of Stories it is difficult to distinguish the interior from the outside, so the presence of plants blurs the boundaries between the two spaces. The green foliage blends beautifully with the white and wood design of the decoration, and brings the ideal freshness in an urban environment. Photo: Style System
source : Femina
Design and plants make a good match
At Kristina and Thomas in Denmark, the creators of A couple of Stories it is difficult to distinguish the interior from the outside, so the presence of plants blurs the boundaries between the two spaces. The green foliage blends beautifully with the white and wood design of the decoration, and brings the ideal freshness in an urban environment. Photo: Style System
source : Femina