Un petit appartement au passé industriel
Je vous ai déjà proposé ICI, un appartement design situé dans une ancienne usine de fabrication de turbines. C'est toujours dans le même bâtiment que se trouve cet appartement de moins de 50 m², où l'élément qui interpelle est le style des fenêtres, très caractéristiques du style industriel et du passé de cet espace.
A small apartment with an industrial past
I have already posted HERE, a design apartment located in a former turbine factory. This apartment of less than 50 m² is still in the same building, where the element that calls attention is the style of the windows, very characteristic of the industrial style and of the past of this space.
A small apartment with an industrial past
I have already posted HERE, a design apartment located in a former turbine factory. This apartment of less than 50 m² is still in the same building, where the element that calls attention is the style of the windows, very characteristic of the industrial style and of the past of this space.