Un appartement au design gris
De doux tons de gris sont partout présents dans cet appartement suédois présenté par Historiska, un deux pièces, habilement transformé en trois-pièces en coupant la chambre à coucher en deux. L'immeuble à la façade classique a été construit pendant les années 1925-1926 et a été conçu par l'architecte Arvid Sjökvist. Photo : Johan Spinnell
An apartment with a grey design
Soft shades of grey are everywhere present in this Swedish apartment presented by Historiska, a one-bedroom apartment, cleverly transformed into two-bedroom by separating the bedroom in two. The building with its classic facade was built between 1925 and 1926 and was designed by the architect Arvid Sjökvist. Photo: Johan Spinnell
An apartment with a grey design
Soft shades of grey are everywhere present in this Swedish apartment presented by Historiska, a one-bedroom apartment, cleverly transformed into two-bedroom by separating the bedroom in two. The building with its classic facade was built between 1925 and 1926 and was designed by the architect Arvid Sjökvist. Photo: Johan Spinnell