Ce studio double sa surface en hauteur
Le designer Chun-ta Tsao, de KC Studio à Taïwan a profité de la hauteur sous plafond pour doubler la surface de ce petit studio aux espaces polyvalents. La décoration design et plutôt masculine est adoucie par l'emploi du rose dans la partie chambre et dressing, et permet aux deux membres du couple propriétaire de s'y sentir bien.
This studio flat doubles its surface area in height
Designer Chun-ta Tsao, from KC Studio in Taiwan, took advantage of the ceiling height to double the surface area of this small studio with its multi-functional spaces. The design and rather masculine decoration is softened by the use of pink in the bedroom and walk-in wardrobe, and allows the two members of the owner couple to feel comfortable there.
This studio flat doubles its surface area in height
Designer Chun-ta Tsao, from KC Studio in Taiwan, took advantage of the ceiling height to double the surface area of this small studio with its multi-functional spaces. The design and rather masculine decoration is softened by the use of pink in the bedroom and walk-in wardrobe, and allows the two members of the owner couple to feel comfortable there.