Rénovation d'un loft familial parisien par Transition Interior Design
Ce loft familial parisien de 127m² a été rénové par Margaux Meza et Carla Lopez de Transition Interior Design, une entreprise d'architecture intérieure dont je vous ai souvent parlé sur ce blog. Comme à leur habitude, la rénovation a été faite en exploitant au mieux la circulation intérieure, et en préservant les éléments d'origine de cet ancien atelier, comme les magnifiques poutres porteuses. Photo : Shoootin
Renovation of a family Parisian loft by Transition Interior Design
This 127m² Parisian family loft has been renovated by Margaux Meza and Carla Lopez of Transition Interior Design, an interior design company I have often told you about on this blog. As usual, the renovation was done by making the most of the interior flow, and by preserving the original elements of this former workshop, such as the magnificent load-bearing beams. Photo: Shoootin
Renovation of a family Parisian loft by Transition Interior Design
This 127m² Parisian family loft has been renovated by Margaux Meza and Carla Lopez of Transition Interior Design, an interior design company I have often told you about on this blog. As usual, the renovation was done by making the most of the interior flow, and by preserving the original elements of this former workshop, such as the magnificent load-bearing beams. Photo: Shoootin