Le papier-peint panoramique est un des atouts forts de cette rénovation
Le designer d'intérieur Daniel San Martín a utilisé un papier-peint panoramique comme un élément fort dans le salon de cette maison centenaire, située à Madrid, restée dans son jus pendant cinquante ans. Seuls les murs porteurs ont été laissés debout pendant la rénovation, et la recherche de la lumière a été prépondérante dans ce lieu dont le charme tient non seulement à son emplacement au coeur de la ville, mais également à sa belle façade protégée et à ses volumes. Photo : Pablo Sarabia
The panoramic wallpaper is one of the strong assets of this renovation
Interior designer Daniel San Martín used a panoramic wallpaper as a strong element in the living room of this century-old house, located in Madrid, which has remained in its original state for fifty years. Only the load-bearing walls were left standing during the renovation, and the search for light was preponderant in this place whose charm lies not only in its location in the heart of the city, but also in its beautiful protected facade and its volumes. Photo: Pablo Sarabia
Source : Nuevo Estilo
The panoramic wallpaper is one of the strong assets of this renovation
Interior designer Daniel San Martín used a panoramic wallpaper as a strong element in the living room of this century-old house, located in Madrid, which has remained in its original state for fifty years. Only the load-bearing walls were left standing during the renovation, and the search for light was preponderant in this place whose charm lies not only in its location in the heart of the city, but also in its beautiful protected facade and its volumes. Photo: Pablo Sarabia
Source : Nuevo Estilo