Un balcon prêt pour les beaux jours chez un amoureux des plantes
Nous voici chez un véritable amoureux des plantes : elles sont partout dans cet appartement ! Elles sont aussi sur la table du salon où on procède au rempotage. Elles prendront bientôt place sur le balcon urbain et ensoleillé qui sera ainsi prêt pour les beaux jours !
Balcony ready for the sunny days at a plant lover's house
Here we are at a real plant lover's house: they are everywhere in this apartment! They are also on the table in the living room where the potting is done. They will soon take place on the urban and sunny balcony, which will be ready for the sunny days!
Source : Entrance
Balcony ready for the sunny days at a plant lover's house
Here we are at a real plant lover's house: they are everywhere in this apartment! They are also on the table in the living room where the potting is done. They will soon take place on the urban and sunny balcony, which will be ready for the sunny days!
Source : Entrance