Un loft sous les toits au style bohème chic
C'est en Belgique que Wakup nous propose de visiter ce loft de 230 m² sous les toits, un magnifique endroit avec une poutraison et un plafond à couper le souffle. La décoration bohème chic basée sur le blanc, allège l'ensemble de cet appartement hors du commun.
Loft under the roofs in a chic bohemian style
It is in Belgium that Wakup invites us to visit this 230 m² loft under the roof, a magnificent place with a beamed ceiling and a breathtaking ceiling. The chic bohemian decoration based on white lightens up the whole of this extraordinary apartment.
Source : Wakup
Loft under the roofs in a chic bohemian style
It is in Belgium that Wakup invites us to visit this 230 m² loft under the roof, a magnificent place with a beamed ceiling and a breathtaking ceiling. The chic bohemian decoration based on white lightens up the whole of this extraordinary apartment.
Source : Wakup