Une cuisine Vipp dans un appartement du 19ème siècle au mobilier design
La fabuleuse cuisine Vipp en métal noir n'est pas le seul élément intéressant de cet appartement situé dans un immeuble suédois du début du 19ème siècle. L'ameublement design qui se marie avec les volumes anciens, les moulures, et les poêles en faïence démontre à quel point l'accord entre le passé et le présent est toujours une bonne idée.
Vipp kitchen in a 19th century apartment with design furniture
The fabulous black metal Vipp kitchen is not the only interesting element of this apartment located in a Swedish building from the early 19th century. The design furniture that blends with the old volumes, mouldings, and tiled stoves shows how well the harmony between past and present is always a good idea.
Vipp kitchen in a 19th century apartment with design furniture
The fabulous black metal Vipp kitchen is not the only interesting element of this apartment located in a Swedish building from the early 19th century. The design furniture that blends with the old volumes, mouldings, and tiled stoves shows how well the harmony between past and present is always a good idea.