Un dressing room de rêve pour des fashion addicts
Voici un véritable appartement pour fashion addicts. Un couple aimant la mode pourrait facilmeent s'y projeter, entre son dressing room et les grands placards de l'entrée. Les rangements à profusion dans ce deux-pièces suédois permettent de cacher tout ce qui ne doit pas se voir, et laisser ainsi l'intérieur totalement minimaliste.
Dream walk-in wardrobe for fashion addicts
This is a true apartment for fashion addicts. A fashion-conscious couple could easily project themselves there, between their walk-in closet and the large cupboards in the entrance. The abundant storage space in this Swedish one-bedroom apartment makes possible to hide everything that should not be seen, and thus leave the interior totally minimalist.
Dream walk-in wardrobe for fashion addicts
This is a true apartment for fashion addicts. A fashion-conscious couple could easily project themselves there, between their walk-in closet and the large cupboards in the entrance. The abundant storage space in this Swedish one-bedroom apartment makes possible to hide everything that should not be seen, and thus leave the interior totally minimalist.