Un loft aux grands espaces rénové à Londres
Ce loft d'une surface d'environ 115m² se trouve à Londres, dans un ancien entrepôt. La capitale britannique regorge de ces anciens bâtiments au passé industriel transformés en logements et qui bénéficient non seulement de belles surfaces, mais également d'une hauteur sous plafond importante. Les éléments d'origine ont été ici préservés au mieux, et les équipements plus modernes se fondent avec réussite dans cet environnement ancien.
Loft with large spaces renovated in London
This loft with a surface area of approximately 115m² is located in London, in a former warehouse. The British capital is full of these old buildings with an industrial past, which have been transformed into housing and which benefit not only from beautiful surfaces, but also from a high ceiling . The original elements have been preserved as well as possible here, and the more modern equipment successfully blends into this oldt environment.
Source : JJ Media
Loft with large spaces renovated in London
This loft with a surface area of approximately 115m² is located in London, in a former warehouse. The British capital is full of these old buildings with an industrial past, which have been transformed into housing and which benefit not only from beautiful surfaces, but also from a high ceiling . The original elements have been preserved as well as possible here, and the more modern equipment successfully blends into this oldt environment.
Source : JJ Media